Here you will find the frequently asked questions. If you need more help, please don't hesitate to contact us.

I forgot my password. What can I do?

If you forgot your password, click "login" at the top right of the page.

Then click "Forgotten Password". Enter the email address you used to register and click "CONTINUE". A new password will be sent by email.

If you don't receive this message, please note that this email may be in your Spam folder.

Where do I find a pattern I just purchased?

To download your patterns, please log in to your Account. You can log in by using your email address and password by visiting the following URL: http://www.oneandtwocompany.com/index.php?route=account/login

Then click on the "Downloads" option. Here you'll find your files ready to download.

How many times can I download my pattern?

You can download each pattern 10 times. If you run out all your downloads and you need more, please contact us.

I can not open my pattern. Any help?

If you can't open your pdf pattern you must download and install the latest version of Adobe Reader.

You can find it here.

Are the Pattern Packs included in the discounts?

No. The Pattern Packs are not included in the discounts. They already have a great price. 

How do I use a Coupon Code?

Click on your Shopping Cart and enter your coupon code in "USE COUPON CODE" tab.

I have a problem with my pattern, can you help me?

Of course, you can contact us here. We are happy to help you.
